Monday, January 21, 2013

Nepali Converter

Nepali Unicode

This is a software to convert English to Nepali.

Just type your word in English for example HaarTa Clinic , the result will come as "हार्ट क्लिनिक".

Software here Om Murti Nikhil


To mix English into your Nepali text. Simply put any text you want to keep in English inside the curly {} brackets. Example: yo {mobile} mero ho. = यो mobile मेरो ह
Phonetically similar letters: ta = त, Ta = ट, tha = थ, Tha = ठ, da = द, Da = ड, dha = ध, Dha = ढ, na = न, Na = ण, sha = श, Sha = ष ... The (upper or lower) case doesn't matter for the rest of the letters2
Other special characters:
ri^ = रि (as in प्र)
rr = र्‍ (as in गर्‍य)
rri = ऋ
rree = ॠ
yna = ञ
chha = छ
ksha =क्ष
gya =ज्ञ
* = अनुस्वर
** = चन्द्रबिन्दु
om = ॐ

1 comment:

  1. u r so great ,that's great message u have been given abt the Heart diseases.There are so many peoples are suffering from heart disease but due to no any informations &educations abt Heart diseases prevention so many peoples are going to be death.u have done well n given the education abt heart diseases by TV interview,so from this message so many peoples will get informations abt heart diseases that how we have to do to save our HEART & Wt we have to do if we have Heart Disease.its so great information from u

    Ur faithfully friend
    pk mandal
